Wo und wie lagere ich Olivenöl?

Where and how do I store olive oil?

Nov 25, 2022Minos Kitchen

Olive oil is a high quality product with high quality ingredients. To ensure you get the most out of it for as long as possible, there are a few things to keep in mind.

In any case, it is important to avoid direct sunlight, as UV rays can destroy numerous components of the oil. For this reason, olive oils are often delivered in dark bottles.

The oil should always be stored away from air. In short: always close the bottle after use and use up any opened oil in the foreseeable future. When exposed to air, the oil will oxidize over time, resulting in a loss of flavor and aroma.

Another important point is the temperature. Do not store the olive oil below 5°C and not above 25°C, as both can affect the quality and consequently the shelf life. You can store the oil in the fridge without any loss of quality. Due to the biochemical properties of the oil, individual components can flocculate, but this is completely reversible after a few minutes at room temperature.

Most manufacturers give olive oil a shelf life of 24 months after bottling. Nevertheless, the oil is still good and edible even after two years. Rather, the 24-month shelf life should be understood as a guarantee. When stored correctly, i.e. protected from light and sealed, the oil can be kept for many years.

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